Sunday took part in the 75th-anniversary jubilee of Tanec

О тешкото! 
Зурли штом диво ќе писнат,
штом тапан ќе грмне со подземен екот -
во градиве зошто жал лута ме стиска,
во очиве зошто ми навирa река
и зошто ми иде да плачам ко дете,
да превијам раце, да прекријам лик
та гризам јас усни, стегам срце клето,
да не пушти вик....

"75 Years of Macedonian Code" is the motto with which the National Ensemble for Folk Dances and Songs "Tanec", presented a jubilee concert at the National Opera and Ballet. 

The audience, enthralled by a several-hour journey through Macedonian tradition and culture, thunderously greeted each choreography and scene presented by the folklore group Tanec. It was a magnificent moment to hear both vocal and instrumental works from the past and present, performed by the soloists and orchestra of the ensemble, as well as by renowned Macedonian singers.
We thank you for the historic mission you have carried out across the countries of the world, and we are honoured that our Macedonian brand, Sunday, supported this important event, which is a source of pride for all Macedonians!

